I stand to be corrected on the 'facts' in the video but I think I remember it was borrowed.
So Caleb's worldly friend's worldly mum asks for it back, learns it's been trashed and (disliking Caleb's weird parents anyway) calls the Old Bill. She will not let this go. The worldly Old Bill tries to sort this out, but this is 2015, calls and progress are computer-logged. He needs to keep his job, so goes to see Caleb's mum. She denies all knowledge. Worldly Old Bill goes to Caleb's school and interviews Caleb in the presence of a social worker/appropriate adult. Oops!
Worldly Old Bill goes back to Caleb's mum and arrests her (quite lawfully). In interview (without a lawyer because she doesn't trust worldly lawyers and WTBTS won't send one of theirs) she explains that Jehovah made her do it. Pause for psychiatric assessment. Not quite mad enough to be sectioned but 15 minute observations ordered. Husband turns up at nick with a couple of elders asserting his rights as Theocratic Head of Household. Warned to behave or he'll be arrested too.
Caleb's mum is given official criminal caution for theft. Caleb is placed on 'At Risk' register.
At next convention, heart-warming demonstration of given of devotion to Jehovah in the face of persecution. Caleb's mum is, unfortunately, unable to attend. She suffers PTSD after sharing a cell with 'Big Bertha', a drunken bisexual regular arrestee who introduced Caleb's mum to a whole different world.